Most edible mushrooms are relatively small, but in West Africa as well as Zambia, there’s one particularly enormous species that outgrows all the rest of
The extremely rare agate rock was recently found in the Soledade region in Brazil. The fact that it resembles Cookie Monster just further adds to
When flowers look like flowers, we mostly appreciate their presence, but sometimes they can trick us. Especially when they take on the form of other
Strong winds at the perfect time of day, 9am, combined with unusually high water volumes for November, created a previously undocumented 2,400 foot rainbow waterfall
Yoυ Ƅelieʋe that dragoпs exist oпƖy iп мoʋιes or series like “Gaмe of Throпes”. Theses Dɾagoпs ɑre reaƖ. The first oпe coмes froм Αfrica, SoυtҺ Αfricɑ мore
For the first time ever, we are able to observe the formation of an “ice finger of death” through some breathtaking footage. These days it’s
The unique shape of this forest in Japan has been drawing attention from around the world. Photo: FNN In the Miyazaki Prefecture of southern Japan
Monkey orchids are actually a whole family. And they all look like monkeys. Photo: Columbus GV Team It looks as if mother nature had some primates
A newly discovered wondrous pool, which lies 700 ft. below Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico, has never before been seen by human eyes.
Most people say that the most adorable creatures on Earth are babies and puppies. That could be 100% accurate, I mean, who could possibly resist